Hi, I'm Vedant

I like to solve partial differential equations in interesting geometries, often with powerful supercomputers. Why, you ask? Of course for the aesthetic pleasure of looking at cool visualizations and intricate patterns of TUBRULENT FLOWS! And partly because it's useful to other folks in engineering. Scientific computing is fun because it consolidates my interest in physics and the intricate mathematical framework that attempts to explain it. As such, developing mathematical models to accurately capture physics is a creative problem I like spending time on.

I experiment with algorithms for solving PDE models that describe physics of problems like fluid flow, battery dynamics, heat conduction. My work is aimed at creating software tooling that can streamline engineering design and analysis cycles.

I live in Brooklyn, NY in Bushwick neighbourhood to maximize serendipity. To connect, you can email me at vedantpuri@cmu.edu, or message me on LinkedIn, or Instagram where I periodically post work-visualizations. Check out my Github for recent contributions.

LinkedIn bio - Trained in applied mechanics, and mathematics, with experience in high performance computing, numerical algorithms, scientific machine learning, and computational fluid dynamics. Equally comfortable writing code or manipulating differential equations. Finished undergraduate studies at University of Illinois in Dec '19. My thesis was on wall-bounded turbulence with collaborators from Argonne National Lab. Currently working on scientific machine learning and numerical PDEs at Julia Computing.

TLDR - I make cool visualizations on supercomputers.

Not work

Sports - No matter the weather, I am always down to play squash, soccer and golf.

Photography - For the past decade, I have been using a Canon DSLR with a wide aperture lens as an excuse to walk around and photograph people. Check out this not-up-to-date portfolio.

Books - Besides mathematics, I read at the intersection of pragmatic nonfiction and unactionable philosophy. I always end up collecting books, even when I am living out of a suitcase. It's a problem! Some authors that have impacted my worldview are, in this order, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jordan Peterson, Nassim Taleb, and Milan Kundera. Of late, Saifedean Ammous's The Bitcoin Standard has served as an excellent introduction to austrian economics. Note to self: write down reading list.

Films - I am a sucker for quality storytelling. Some must-watch experiences are Margin Call (2011), Gran Torino (2008), Das Leben der Anderen (2006), and Dil Chahta Hai (2001). Note to self: write down watch list.

Music - Always striving to find the right balance between touching vocals and clean melody. Into deep house, qawwali, and everything in between. Note to self: add spotify, soundcloud, YT.